Important Links to Information on COVID-19
The potential spread of novel COVID-19 (corona virus) and impact on our communities may be anxiety-producing, as is any emergency situation. However, staying calm and taking steps to be prepared are the best course of action. Our lives will be significantly disrupted by the measures needed to respond to a global pandemic. A pandemic is a global occurrence of an infectious disease. A pandemic is a disaster with unique characteristics. The two most important differences between a pandemic and other disasters are that the whole world is going through this disaster at the same time and people may become fearful of other people. County Health continues to work with the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and our state and local partners to manage testing and monitoring of persons who have been exposed to COVID-19. But the focus is rapidly changing from a containment strategy to one of community mitigation --- taking steps to lessen the broad impact of the disease.
What matters most is how households, neighborhoods and communities prepare. Preparedness equals self-sufficiency. Individuals and neighborhoods should focus on three tasks --- reducing each person's chance of getting sick, helping neighbors with basic survival needs and coping with the disruptions in how our normal day-to-day world works.
It is essential that each individual:
Neighbor to Neighbor Outreach
Dr. Rich Lee on "Self-Sufficiency"
SSA Article on "Neighbors Helping Neighbors"
New York Times State and County Data
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Local Information:
Shelter in Place Ordinance
Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz - Tips for the Trail
COVID-19 (Corona Virus) Preparedness